Like architectural practice before it, architectural education has become seduced by serving global capital. As such, the education has been solely focused on producing staff (via ‘professional’ course requirements for accreditation, revising curriculum to chase dubious rankings, and a post-graduation intern ‘development’ program) to serve the private interest. As both practitioners and educators, The Institute for Architecture (IA) have focused on developing a methodology tested in practice and teaching. We wish to refrain from collaborating with other disciplines; instead, we collapse geography, political science, architecture, urbanism, and philosophy into a new definition of what architecture can be, providing an alternative to the existing ideological order.

Contextual positioning, whether situational or ideological, has always defined the relevance of architecture.  Utilizing types of critique and analysis derived from Hermeneutics, as well as traditional architectural techniques, e.g. fabrication, drafting, and most critically, the collapsing of multiple disciplines into a unified architectural method, IA attempts to develop a cohesive understanding of the built environment by broadening the concept of context.  Design, geography, political science and philosophy are integrated to identify and expose physical, economic, and sociopolitical situations.  The pedagogy operates at multiple scales and mediums, relates physical form to social construct, and produces content through an inquisition into the relationship between observation, speculation, and critique in the design process.  Through a methodology of ‘unpacking’ – exposing the multiple layers, ‘hard’ and ‘soft’, physical and critical, to identify new hierarchies or hidden actors – the work demands an intense examination of the local, an abject surrender to the existing and the rejection of any singular “vision”. We describe this process of investigating Architecture as Territory.

IA is the academic extension of DOMAIN Office, overseen by Prof. Mitesh Dixit and Tamara Marović.

AAVS Transborder Landscapes Symposium

DOMAIN's Mitesh Dixit to be a Keynote at the AAVS Transborder Landscapes Symposium Thursday, 10 June 2021.

The Transborder Landscapes online symposium addresses complex socio-political, climate and territorial questions around the issue of borders worldwide and in the US / Mexico border, through urbanism, landscape, data, geography, planning and architecture frameworks. The symposium includes academics and industry-experts who will present on topics that includeLandscape Urbanism in the Americas, Environmental data visualization, academic research on the US/MX border, Architecture of Violence, contested landscape,Tijuana / San Diego border, Reimagine the Tijuana River.

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'The Masterplan' - by Reinier de Graaf

Live Book Talk ‘The Masterplan’ by Reinier de Graaf with Prof. Mitesh Dixit- May 26th 13.00 EST / 19.00CET, as part of the Архитектонски факултетСкопје / Faculty of Architecture, UKIMSpring2021 Dean's Lecture Series.  

The Masterplan is the first novel by architect Reinier de Graaf, the author of the critically acclaimed Four Walls and a Roof: The Complex Nature of a Simple Profession (Harvard UniversityPress, 2017) – a collection of essays on contemporary architecture praised for its stylistic wit and honest portrayal of architecture’s entanglement in political and economic power structures.

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Counterfactual Modeling in Historical Reconstruction: El Lissitzky’s Horizontal Skyscraper WB2 at SimAUD 2021

Prof. Sam Johnson and Prof. Mitesh Dixit will present “Counterfactual Modeling in Historical Reconstruction: El Lissitzky’s Horizontal Skyscraper WB2” at SimAUD 2021. The lecture describes the results of a contemporary reconstruction of a recently rediscovered design for a horizontal skyscraper by the Russian-Jewish architectEl Lissitzky. The unfinished state of Lissitzky’s three extant drawings and the experimental nature of his building provided the impetus for a collaboration among architects, a historian, and an engineer.

The 12th annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) offers a platform to unite researchers and practitioners in the fields of architecture, urban design, urban planning, building science, and data science. SimAUD 2021 invited submissions across a range of topics related to simulation with a special emphasis on methods that bridge disciplinary gaps between design, construction, operations, resource management, human behavior, and performance analytics across building and urban scales.

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Dixit to Deliver Keynote at 8th Fluid Design Forum in Montenegro

DOMAIN’s Mitesh Dixit will deliver the Keynote address at the 8th Fluid Design Forum in Podgorica, Montenegro. This year’s edition of the FLUID Design Forum will address ethical dilemmas in contemporary design practices. It will analyze how design creates rather than solves problems. The Forum program will review the tactics that designers use ‒ consciously or unconsciously ‒ to provide an alibi for acting contrary to their ethical principles.

We will start this consideration with a straightforward question: are you ashamed of any design you created?

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"Architecture as Territory" Key Note Lecture by Mitesh Dixit at 2020 Strand Conference

DOMAIN's Mitesh Dixit will delivery the Key Note Lecture for the 8th International STRAND Conference "Learning Architecture. Keynote Talks will be at Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Gallery of Science and Technology Belgrade, Serbia.

STRAND -Sustainable Urban Society Association - is a voluntary, non-governmental and non-profit Association, founded in 2005 as Civil partnership. Registered in 2011 as Association to achieve specific goals for the promotion and development of sustainable urban community and living environment.

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The Skopje Project, organized by Prof. Ognen Marin and Prof. Mitesh Dixit, is a three-day event in Skopje, Northern Macedonia from 21-24 October 2020. The conference will be held on the occasion of 70 years anniversary from the foundation of Faculty of Architecture at University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje and 55 years from the adoption of the Kenzo Tange’s plan for reconstruction of Skopje city center. Speakers confirmed are Reiner de Graff of OMA, Sou Fujimoto, Charles Waldheim, Keller Easterling and many more.

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Mitesh Dixit to lecture at IIA NATCON 2020

DOMAIN's Mitesh Dixit will take part at the The IIA National Convention 2020: Transcend is to be held on the 11th & 12th of July 2020. The Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) is the National body of Architects in the country. Established in 1917, the institute today has more than 20,000 members and plays a major role in promoting the profession of architecture by organizing and uniting the Architects of India to promote aesthetic, scientific and practical efficiency of the profession both in Practice and in Education.

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Denniston Hill Porch Conversation with Prof. Dixit

Julie Mehretu, Lawrence Chua, Maxwell Mutanda, Paul Pfeiffer, and Mitesh Dixit in conversation.

Among these initiatives is DH’s Digital PorchConversations—recorded conversations with a broad range of interlocutors that provide a safe space for “difficult” conversations to happen. These dialogues -to be shared on our website and other platforms—are informing our work and thinking . Curating groups of artists, activists and advocates, and intellectuals into conversation and commissioned written responses, Digital Porch Conversations will contribute to an ongoing, collective archive of Denniston Hill. Select, edited conversations will be made available to the general public on Swerve, our online journal of the environmental arts.

Situated in the Southern Catskills on a 200-acre campus, Denniston Hill is an artist-centered interdisciplinary arts organization that fosters an inclusive, practical discourse about the aesthetics, function, ethics, and meaning of contemporary artistic practice. Our work is guided by the principle that creative and critical voices are important in shaping a just, equitable society.

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Mitesh Dixit to lecture at Virginia Tech School of Architecture + Design

Virginia Tech School of Architecture + Design presents Mitesh Dixit, of DOMAIN Office to deliver his lecture ‘Material Contours’.  Dixit’s lecture will attempt to develop a cohesive understanding of the built environment by broadening the concept of context. Through a series of projects which operate at multiple scales and mediums, will illustrate how design, geography, political science and philosophy are integrated in order to identify and expose physical, economic, and sociopolitical situations. Dixit’s lecture will expose this method of investigation, as Architecture as Territory. The lecture will take place on Tuesday, June 30th, 2020 at School of Architecture + Design

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Mitesh Dixit to lecture at University of Montenegro Faculty of Architecture

University of Montenegro Faculty of Architecture in Podgorica presents Mitesh Dixit, of DOMAIN Office to deliver his lecture ‘Material Contours’.  Dixit’s lecture will attempt to develop a cohesive understanding of the built environment by broadening the concept of context. Through a series of projects which operate at multiple scales and mediums, will illustrate how design, geography, political science and philosophy are integrated in order to identify and expose physical, economic, and sociopolitical situations. Dixit’s lecture will expose this method of investigation, as Architecture as Territory.

The lecture will take place on Monday, December 23rd, 2019 at Faculty of Architecture Student Center at 12.00

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Mitesh Dixit featured in the Montenegrin Journal "Casopis Prostor"

Prof. Dixit is featured in the latest issue of the Balkan design journal 'Casopis Prostor'. The article focus on Dixit's office, teaching, research, and DOMAIN's latest ambition in the Balkans.

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ABX Boston - Prof. Dixit to lead a workshop

Thursday November 7th at ABX Boston DOMAIN's Mitesh Dixit will be running a mentoring workshop - ArchitectureBoston Expo (ABX) is the largest building and design trade show and conference in the Northeast attracting 8,000 architects, builders/contractors and design professionals

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Mitesh Dixit Visiting Scholar at University SS. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, N. Macedonia

DOMAIN's Mitesh Dixit will be a Visiting Scholar at the University SS. “Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje Faculty of Architecture, serving as a critic for the Integrative Design Studio IX , Architecture as Infrastructure: Archipelago of Innovations

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"Landscapes of Extraction" part of "Staying Here with You...Moving" at Balkan 2020

On October 10th, 2019, DOMAIN's Landscapes of Extraction will open as part of the "Staying Here with You...Moving" exhibition at the Balkan 2020 Theatre.

Employing critical cartography, the installation will illustrate Switzerland’s dependency of capital, culture, and intellectual production, from the Republic of Serbia. A multi scalar physical map will redefine the terrain between the two as a continuous landscape, more precisely, a territory defined via the extraction of material & immaterial resources.

A series of maps, which will challenge the Cartesian certainty of traditional mapping, will illustrate the one-sided exchange between the “two” countries as well as develop new techniques to investigate our material contours in a way that will enable us to re-conceive and question the very nature of how we illustrate and design our built environment.

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"Between Myth & Utopia" Mitesh Dixit to lecture at the Pratt Institute

Wednesday, June 19th, Dixit will deliver his lecture "Between Myth & Utopia: Architecture as Infrastructure" at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY.

A genealogical survey of Yugoslavian construction techniques Via a mis-reading of Berlin’s concept of Freedom, Dixit's talk will illustrate Tito’s vision to employ architecture as infrastructure in pursuit of a freedom that differs from both the west and east, i.e. a ‘Third Way’.

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Opening of the Exhibition "Between Myth & Utopia" at the Faculty of Architecture Skopje, MK

Thursday, June 13th, the Faculty of Architecture at the University Ss. Cyril and Methodius (Архитектонски факултет Скопје / Faculty of Architecture, UKIM) in Skopje, Macedonia will host the opening of the exhibition "Between Myth & Utopia: Architecture as Infrastructure."Assistant Professor Mitesh Dixit will moderate a round table discussion at 1:30 p.m. featuring Syracuse Architecture Associate Dean and Professor Julia Czerniak and Faculty of Architecture Skopje Dean and Professor Ognen Marina.

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"Material Contours" Exhibition at Syracuse University School of Architecture

Thursday, May 2 on the 4th floor in Slocum Hall, the final works from the spring seminar, Material Contours: Introduction to Critical Cartography, will be on display.The exhibition will be on display from 9am – 7pm, with a discussion with faculty from Architecture and Geography, beginning at 10am.

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DOMAIN invited as an 'emerging practice' for event at The New Museum

Next Tuesday, March 26 at 6:30 p.m. at the New Museum in NYC, Assistant Professor Mitesh Dixit, founder of DOMAIN OFFICE will participate in a collective conversation around the common ground of building practices organized by the Columbia GSAPP Incubator.

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Dixit to lecture in Novi Sad, Serbia - The European Capital of Culture in 2021

Dixit’s lecture will offer a manual for post-contemporary preservation, which will lay out an effective and holistic strategy for preserving the legacy of any structure, by offering tools to examine the material and immaterial contours of our built environment.

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Mitesh Dixit to moderate "The Birth Part 1" at Center for Architecture in New York City

The Birth – Part 1 is the first of two conversations exposing deeper investigations into Hip-Hop Architecture. Mitesh Dixit will moderate the session.This is a program of Close to the Edge: The Birth of Hip Hop Architecture.Monday, November 26th from 6-8pm, and The Center for Architecture in New York City

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DOMAIN - Publications

DOMAIN's publication are now available on-line

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"Borders: The Architecture of Violence" Mitesh Dixit to lecture at the AA in London

As part of the 'Design Agency within Earth Systems" organized by Ed Wall (University of Greenwich), Lindsay Bremner (University of Westminster) and Alfredo Ramirez (Architecture Association), Mitesh Dixit will present "Borders: The Architecture of Violence".

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Mitesh Dixit interviewed by TV Telma on the Mexico/US Border

DOMAIN's Mitesh Dixit was interviewed TV Telma to share his work and discuss the inherent racism, systematic violence, and the absolute stupidly of our countries absurd and impossible desire to build a border wall between Mexico and US.

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Mitesh Dixit's AUCD 6th Ohrid Summer School "Material Contours"

Mitesh Dixit / DOMAIN Office / Syracuse University will be leading the 6th International Summer School of Architecture, organized by the School of Architecture and Design, University American College Skopje. The summer school will take place in Ohrid, Macedonia from 25 June - 2 July 2017.

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"Comparative Urban Atlas" at the 'Material Contours' Exhibition in Skopje, Macedonia

The Comparative Urban Atlas launched 27 June, 2018 at the Material Contours exhibition in Skopje, Macedonia! The result of a Syracuse Architecture graduate-level seminar led by Prof. Mitesh, the C.U.A. studies and compiles visualized data across 12 select cities around the world.The exhibition will examine and illustrate this paradigm shift, the emergence of the geographic and the emerging tools necessary for designers to operate and shape larger scales and contexts, i.e. Territories.

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"Comparative Urban Atlas Exhibition" at Syracuse University School of Architecture

Wednesday 18 April, 2018 - The Comparative Urban Atlas launches at Syracuse University School of Architecture. The CUA is result of a Syracuse Architecture graduate-level seminar led by Prof. Mitesh Dixit the C.U.A. studies and compiles visualized data across 12 select cities around the world. The CUA will be part of the "Material Contours" Exhibition in Skopje, Macedonia on June 27th, 2018.

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"After Marx: Material Contours" by Mitesh Dixit at School of Architecture & Design UACS in Skopje, Macedonia

On Wednesday, 14 March, 18.00, at the School of Architecture and Design UACS in Skopje, Macedonia. Mitesh Dixit’s lecture will illustrate DOMAIN’s work in Monterrey, Mexico and the US / Mexico Border, both of which present territorial transformation via ideology. Dixit’s lecture will examine and critique Marx’s notion of Alienation, thereby exposing the relationship between architectural form and the politicalUniversity American College Skopje Blvd. Treta makedonska brigada no.60, Skopje 1000, Macedonia

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"St. Pete Next...past, present, and future" - moderated by Mitesh Dixit

"St. Pete...Next" at Studio@620 in St.Petersburg, Florida.The symposium will discuss two of the most significant challenges of our time: rapid urbanization and climate change, in a city with many of the world’s greatest opportunities and threats. The panel will consist of Ray Arsenault / USF - St. Petersburg, Lori Brown/ Syracuse Architecture, Maya Burke/Tampa Bay Estuary Program, Tim Clemmons/ PLACE Architecture, Joseph Godlewski/Syracuse Architecture, Bob Devin Jones / Studio 620, and Sharon Wright / City of St. Petersburg, Mitesh Dixit of DOMAIN Office and Syracuse University will moderate the event.

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Material Contours – The co-dependency between territorial investigation and architecture

Floris van der Burght of DOMAIN Office and TU Delft will give an introduction lecture at the School of Architecture, 02 February at 1200 EST, to kick-off a four-day workshop for graduate students, which will provide an introduction to critical cartography, via digital mapping, Data Scrapping, and graphic representation. Through instruction of ArcGIS and Python, the students will use mapping, search, and graphic tools to think, organize, and visualize data at multiple scales and varying mediums, in order to learn how to begin a project.

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DOMAIN launches Belgrade Studio

DOMAIN Office has launched a new research studio in Belgrade, Serbia to begin a five-year research project on the Balkans. The Belgrade Studio will be led by Creative Director Sandra Subić. The studio’s primary ambition will be to focus at the intersection of ideologies, feudalism to urbanism to communism to capitalism. The intent is to examine one site per year, in the Balkans, and compile the work into an Atlas. Employing forensics, analysis, and documentation, the work will document the intersection of conflicting ideologies at specific moments in the urban fabric, to objectively illustrate the transformations, e.g. housing, street hierarchy, mobility, landscape, ecologies, and infrastructure. The research will focus on sites where these transformations took place; these sites are perhaps the only examples, which have illustrated the ‘vision’ of both Communist and Capitalist Ideologies.

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"ON Process" Key Note Lecture by Mitesh Dixit to close 2017 Strand Conference

On Thursday, 21 December, 18.30, at the Faculty Of Architecture in Belgrade, DOMAIN's Mitesh Dixit will deliver the Keynote lecture ‘On Process’ at the closing of the fifth international STRAND conference 'ON Architecture'.Amphitheater, Faculty Of Architecture, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73, 2nd floor

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"The Need for (re) Definition" by Mitesh Dixit at Faculty of Architecture, Skopje, Macedonia

DOMAIN's Mitesh Dixit will deliver his lecture "Need for (re) Definition", , Tuesday 19 December, at 1900 at Faculty of Architecture - Skopje / Архитектонски факултет Скопje / UKIM, Macedonia.

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Mitesh Dixit to close "ON Architecture" exhibition at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

On Friday, December 15th at the Gallery of Science and Technology – Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Mitesh Dixit of DOMAIN, serving as the President of the Jury, will deliver the closing remarks at the exhibition 'ON Architecture' and announce the winning exhibitions.


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CCdC to be on exhibit at STRAND 2017 Exhibition "ON Architecture"

On December 15th, at 1800, Mitesh Dixit, of DOMAIN Office to present the project ‘CCdC’ at the Gallery of Science and Technology – Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

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Professor Mitesh Dixit featured in the Daily Orange

DOMAIN's Mitesh Dixit is featured in the latest issue of Syracuse University's Daily Orange. The essay focus on Dixit's office, teaching, research, and DOMAIN's latest ambition - The Belgrade Studio.

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"The Need for (re) Definition" Key Note Lecture by Mitesh Dixit at 2017 Strand Conference

DOMAIN's Mitesh Dixit will delivery the Key Note Lecture for the Strand Conference "ON Architecture - Case Netherlands" - The lecture will examine a fundamental question regarding our future: What is a City?Keynote Talks will be hosted at University of Belgrade, Faculty Of Architecture, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73, 2nd floor, Belgrade, Serbia

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Mitesh Dixit to join the School of Architecture at Syracuse University

DOMAIN's Mitesh Dixit will join the faculty of Architecture at Syracuse University in New York, as an Assistant Professor of Architecture.

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Mitesh Dixit featured in City Magazine

Belgrade Journalist and Architect Ljuba Slavkovic has profiled DOMAIN's Mitesh Dixit in the Serbian Publication "City Magazine".

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Mitesh Dixit feature in the Macedonian journal 'ArhiTek'

DOMAIN's MItesh Dixit is featured in the latest issue of the Архитек journal (Arhitek.afs)...make sure to order your copy now!

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"On Process" lecture by Mitesh Dixit at Studio@620

Mesh Architecture and Studio@620 are pleased to present Mitesh Dixit of DOMAIN Office to deliver his lecture “On Process”. Dixit’s lecture will explore the relationship between theory and practice, the question of what theory is and does, and what constitutes a definition. Through an analysis of academic and professional works, each with varying architectural typology, density, and location, Dixit will illustrate DOMAIN’s desire to find a ‘new’ definition for practice.

The lecture will take place on Thursday, January 12th, 2017 at the Studio@620 Gallery in St. Petersburg, Florida at 18:30.

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"Violence" - Mitesh Dixit to lecture at Knjižara Karver

Nezavisna platforma za obrazovanje SCAPES:LAB, u saradnji sa URBAR, Podgorica poziva vas na predavanje i razgovor sa arhitektom i filozofom, Miteš Diksitom u sredu, 21. decembra u 18:00 časova u sali KUD "Stanko Dragojević" (iznad knjizare Karver) u Podgorici. Događaj se organizuje u okviru višegodišnje saradnje između platforme SCAPES:LAB i studija DOMAIN OFFICE (Njujork - Roterdam) kroz nekoliko posebnih tematskih programa, kao što su "FLAT.SCAPES:LAB" u Holandiji, "Belgrade.SCAPES:LAB" i "Anatomy of a Landmark: Belgrade" u Beogradu i dr. Predavanja su održana i u Skoplju, Novom Sadu i Beogradu.

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"Death of Modernity" - Mitesh Dixit to lecture in Belgrade

Mitešovo predavanje u Beogradu, pod nazivom “Kraj modernosti” (“Death of modernity”) istraživaće ekstazu komunikacije, vrtoglavicu izazvanu preopterećenjem informacijama, kao i banalnost transparentnog društva. Da li ijedan od ovih simptoma post-moderne može da nas izvede iz 20. veka i pokaže put ka izgradnji novog čoveka? Da li možemo da nađemo značenje u zatečenom “svetu”, onom koji je već nad nama?

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"On Process" - Mitesh Dixit to lecture at the University St. Cyril and Methodius

Faculty of Architecture, at the University St. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Macedonia presents Mitesh Dixit, of DOMAIN Office to deliver his lecture ‘On Process’. Dixit’s lecture will explore the relationship between theory and practice, the question of what theory is and does, and what constitutes a definition. Through an analysis of three projects, each with varying architectural typology, density, and location, Dixit will illustrate DOMAIN’s desire to find a ‘new’ definition for practice.

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Mitesh Dixit featured in Skopje, Macedonia's Newspaper Porta 3

On Friday, December 9, at 12 o'clock in the amphitheater at the Faculty of Architecture - Skopje, a lecture and a conversation with architect and philosopher Miteš Dixit will be held. The event is a result of the collaboration between the independent educational platform SCAPES: LAB , the Faculty of Architecture - Skopje.

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"Freedom" - Mitesh Dixit to lecture at Fabrika in Novi Sad, Serbia

Scapes Lab and Fabrika present Mitesh Dixit, of DOMAIN Office to deliver his lecture ‘On Process’. Dixit’s lecture will will begin by retracing the historical accounts of human values given in the Western philosophical tradition. At the centre of the discussion will be the concept of freedom and philosophers pursuit to define it.

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"On Heritage" - Mitesh Dixit to lecture at the KreNi 2 Conference

Mitesh Dixit will kickoff the KreNi Creative Conference in Niš, Serbia with his lecture "On Heritage"

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"Failure" - Mitesh Dixit to lecture at at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Niš:

An intimate and personal exploration into the beautiful and necessary failures of a contemporary practice.

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As part of the US State Department’s Traveling Professor program, Architect and Philosopher, Mitesh Dixit of DOMAIN Office, will travel on behalf of the United States to deliver a series of lectures on ideology as it relates to architecture, urbanism, and design.

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"On Process" lecture by Mitesh Dixit at Columbia University GSAPP

Columbia University - GSAAP invites Mitesh Dixit, of DOMAIN Office to deliver his lecture ‘On Process’. The lecture will take place on Monday, February 15th, 2016 at Avery Hall, room 113, New York City, at 1330

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CP In Chicago: Magazine Prelaunch

Complex Projects In Chicago studio will present the magazine Issue #1 - Decline. It will be the closing event for the 3 month stay in Chicago.The event will take place on Tuesday December 1 at ARCHEWORKS at 19:00.

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Mitesh Dixit "Freedom" at ARCHEWORKS

Mitesh Dixit has been invited to give the last closing presentation of CP In Chicago Public Lectures.Friday November 6 from 17.30 at ARCHEWORKS.

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"On Process" lecture by Mitesh Dixit at Hanyang University

Hanyang University School of Architecture invites Mitesh Dixit, of DOMAIN Office to deliver his lecture ‘On Process’.The lecture will take place on Thursday October 8 at Faculty of Architecture, Seoul, Korea at 17:00.

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"On Process" lecture by Mitesh Dixit at Korea National University of Arts

The lecture will take place on Wednesday October 7 at Architecture, Art department, Korea National University of Arts in Seoul at 14:00.

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Bnieuws interview with Complex Projects Chair Editor Mitesh Dixit.

DOMAIN's Mitesh Dixit sits down with the editors of Bnieuws to discuss his research studio examining the region defined by the US / Mexican Border.

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Mitesh Dixit will open ARCHEWORKS Fall 2015 Lecture series

Complex Projects In Chicago presents the inaugural lecture by Mitesh Dixit: "In Chicago, in search of a region’s ideology".

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‘The Need for Definition’, lecture by Mitesh Dixit at UDEM

Dixit’s lecture will explore the relationship between theory and practice, the question of what theory is and does, and what constitutes a definition. He will also situate the emergence of ‘critical theory’ in the history of Intellectual thought and, through an analysis of academic and professional works, illustrate DOMAIN’s desire to find a ‘new’ theory for practice.The lecture will take place on Monday September 7 at Faculty of Art, Architecture & Design, Av. Ignacio Morones Prieto 4500 - San Pedro Garza García, N.L. México. at 18:00.

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Complex Projects featured on Domus 992, June 2015 issue

The chair of Complex Projects​ is featured in this month issue of Domus​ magazine.

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Mitesh Dixit at MOVIEMENT- International Film School Meeting in Lleida, Spain

This Thursday, 09 April, Fundació Sorigué has invited Mitesh Dixit, of DOMAIN Office to MOVIEMENT - an International Film School gathering, which brings together international students and professionals from the world of cinema, arts and theory.Dixit will give two lectures, as part of the 1 day Master-class: The Need for Definition & The Death of Modernity.

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Mitesh Dixit lecture at “Belgrade.SCAPES:LAB / I Think BG” Conference

Mitesh Dixit, of DOMAIN Office, will give a lecture on the necessity and co-dependency of Theory & Practice.The event will take place on Saturday April 4 at the Center for Cultural Decontamination – CZKD, Belgrade at 17:00.

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"Violence", a lecture by Mitesh Dixit at ARCHEWORKS, Chicago

Dixit's lecture will examine the dominant ideologies of vision from Modernity to the embedded violence of our contemporary ocular-centric system.It'll take place on Wednesday February 18, at 19:00.Space is limited, please RSVP:

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Paco Park part of “The City as a Vision” prospective urban concepts from last fifty years in Frac Centre, Orléans

From September 19, 2014 - February 22, 2015DOMAIN's Paco Park project to be included in "The City as a Vision” prospective urban concepts from last fifty years in Frac Centre, Orléans. Divided into two sections – one historical, the other prospective – this exhibition pays tribute to historian and critic Michel Ragon who, in his books Où vivrons-nous demain? [Where will we live tomorrow?] (1963) and Prospective et Futurologie [Forecasting and Futurology] (1978), gave an introduction to the issues of experimental architecture – a field that lies at the heart of the Frac Centre’s collection.

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PLANTA - 14th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia

#PLANTA has been listed as one of the top 25 exhibitions to visit during the 14th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia.The exhibition organized by Fundació Sorigué and curated by DOMAIN OFFICE will show PLANTA the architectural project, by DOMAIN Office, via an installation with three main interventions: a 1:100 model of the project realized by DOMAIN, a sound installation by Giuseppe Ielasi and Renato Rinaldi and six books plus a film projection by Armin Linke Studio.

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Wallpaper Magazine - PLANTA - top exhibitions of Summer 2014

Wallpaper Magazines has named "PLANTA" as one of the top 25 exhibitions at the 14th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition

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